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Nuclear Energy Conference 2017

1957-2017: EURATOM –
Nuclear industry subsidized, privileged, protected
60 years is enough!

April, 25th 2017
9:30 am - 4:30 pm
Linz Castle
Upper Austria

In 2017 the Nuclear Energy Conference will take place for the fourth time – as already in 2015 it will be held in Linz.

In 2017 EURATOM will celebrate the 60th year since its foundation and therefore 60 years of promoting nuclear industry. EURATOM is an obstacle for the European nuclear phase-out and a stumbling block for a nuclear free Europe. 60 years after its implementation the time has come to abolish EURATOM or at least subject it to a thorough reform process which has been demanded for years.

International experts will discuss the following topics:

Please save the date!

Conference organizers

Anti Atom Komitee

atomstopp_atomkraftfrei leben!

Mütter gegen Atomgefahr

The Nuclear Energy Conference 2017 is supported by the Province of Upper Austria.