NEC-Übersicht 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024


09:30 am
10:00 am
Opening statement by atomstopp
Introduction by Dalibor Strasky
Anti-Nuclear-Appointee of Upper-Austria
10:10 am
Opening and welcome by Rudi Anschober (Councillor of Upper Austria for the Environment)
10:20 am
Keynote-Speaker Radostina Primova (Heinrich Böll Foundation, Brussels)
Nuclear power yes please?! Questions on current EU energy and research policy at the 60th anniversary of the EURATOM contract
11:00 am
Patricia Lorenz (Friends of the earth)
EURATOM myth - security of nuclear power is regulated?
11:30 am
Andreas Molin (Head of Nuclear Coordination in Austrian Ministry of Environment)
Reforming EURATOM - Utopia or Vision?
12:00 pm
Heinz Stockinger (Platform against nuclear hazards, Salzburg)
EURATOM campaigns in Austria - A history of more than 25 years
12:30 pm
Lunch break – buffet provided
01:30 pm
Sylvia Kotting-Uhl (Member of the Bundestag Bündnis 90/The Greens)
Why Germany should leave EURATOM
02:00 pm
Dörte Fouquet (Lawyer specializing in European Law)
Presentation of the legal possibilities of a unilateral exit from EURATOM
02:30 pm
Hans-Josef Fell (Former Member of the Bundestag Bündnis 90/The Greens, Energy Watch Group)
EURATOM exit: necessary and possible - Brexit opens up new opportunities
03:00 pm
Discussion and adoption of a resolution to the European Council
04:30 pm
Open end - Opportunity for networking
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